It is quite bad enough that some of the formulas are, when written down, longer than the length of your pen. Remember how you used to keep forgetting the formula for the area of a circle? You ain't seen nothing yet.
As I was saying. Going through all the calculation steps can take you through some super tedious mathematics.
To analyze a structure's behaviour when carrying a load, you first need to consider all the ways the structure can move, either through the rotation of a member, deflection or (usually) a combination of both.

A matrix comprising all the possible movement can then be generated, typically in the size range of 6x6 upwards.
Then, form a matrix that accounts for the stiffness of the structure, also typically in the size range of 6x6 upwards.
So now we have two matrices.
The next step of the calculation requires you to...

Those who know how to do matrix multiplication are probably gasping now.
Of all the matrix operations like adding and subtracting, why did it have to be multiplication? -_-
And the next step is to find the inverse of the product of the matrices.
Side Order: Thankfully, I brought my calculator that is capable of doing various matrix operations, including multiplication and finding the inverse. But I am not allowed to use that calculator in exam! Here's to hoping the final exam will not require us to solve the matrices by hand.
OH MY!!! *eyes wan to fall out d.,, haha.. lol... so hard de ah?
And the worst part of matrix calculations is the margin of error ... why so bloody long wan?! They WANT you to make a mistake, izzit?
Mostly tedious lar. Hope this didn't scare you off from UWA. I still want my cook.. I mean FRIEND to come here! HAhaha.
Well, the procedures are like that lar. Can't be helped, sorta =S
Laura can consider Swinburne Melbourne liao.. Hahaha..
UWA is for Nastily-Excessive-Repeatedly-Doomed people..
All the best..!!
...............I didn't know building my house so complicated.
*Runs away frm ever going near engineering* Not that I was ever close.
Ahhh, we all rest assured at night at having a friend like Aldrin to do calculations like this when we need something to be built next time =)
I hope I won't be seeing those kinda questions in my Math exam next month! (X_X)
You heard of Matlab? We're learning how to use it to do the gigantic calculations and make pretty images! =D Think the biggest matrix we did with Matlab was a 12x12. Hehe..
SHIT~ I feel like falling from a dicth to a lion's den.
Called me a N.E.R.D didn't you?? Hmm. I look forward to hearing your horror stories from Swinburne Melbourne.
And that's just one portal frame. The most basic one-storey house typically has several. But in real life we don't do all these calculations =) *pulls Sam nearer to Engineering*
... I don't think you will ever see such questions in your course lar. If your lecturer is crazy enough to come out with such a question, you're automatically justified to throw a water balloon filled with water + flour at the lecturer.
Yeah, I did Matlab back in 2nd year. And if I am not mistaken, the assignment consisted of several matrices of the size order of 419. No typo there.
You will be FINE! ... Maybe I need to hold off the posts regarding the studies here. Don't wanna scare anyone away! Hahaha...
Yeah.. Gooey horror stories.. Or do you call them as thriller..?
Come on, scare more people to Swinburne Melbourne..!!
Sad thing about being an engineer: Once you graduate, you don't actually get to do any of those fancy calculations that make you look smart. =P
Think of it this way. If you come UWA, your blog will become more active.
I would rather that be the case! In higher level units, there are design codes with simplified calculations to follow. And trust me, even those simplified ones get tiring after a while (just ask anyone who has completed his/her internship). And if simple ones are so sickening, I can't imagine what it would be like to do a [7x9]*[9x9]*[9x7] for the rest of my life.
isnt that the pencil tekan i buy for u ka???
at least a part of me still lives in you ho!
*jangan buang after reading this okie aldrin...
YES! The very same! I love you, pensel tekan!!
haha.. lol.. u so good in cooking liao le.. haha.. must cook for me someday! ;)
is swinburne hard? haha...
Ei, study.. Not blog here and there..
Why suddenly talk about cooking one? Haha. And er. Swinburne and UWA are very different universities la. Can't exactly compare them point for point.
I know I know.
coz u say u wan ur cook ma in de previous comment... =P
I see. But your cooking is definitely better lar!
why use a calculator when u can use microsoft excel to do the multiplications? ;) ust ask Prof Hong Hao how to do it ;)
Who is Prof. Hong Hao?? Haha.
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