The tale of two robots who were more human than some humans could ever be was received well when it was released. No surprise there - who could be so heartless to not love the film? It conveyed its messages well and managed to create characters you would adore and root for. What's even more amazing is that the main characters could only 'speak' mainly through gestures, beeps and boops and limited vocabulary!
Watched it again last Saturday night at Mark's place. Laughed and emoted together with the cell members. Hahaha...
Mark has the Blu-ray DVD for Wall-E and, inside, we found a short film that's a tie-in to Wall-E!
It's called Burn-E. Watch it till the very end, even after the credits! Really hillarious. And super adorable too!
Check out some of the expressions on the robot.
For those of you who have not watched Wall-E, go watch it! You will fully understand some of the events in Burn-E. Besides, Wall-E is a fantastic movie to watch
And have you ever wondered why Pixar has a table lamp in its logo? Well, the lamp has a name: Luxo. Watch this video!
*Narrows eyes*
But the vids are really adorable =P
You don't really like Wall-E, do you? Hahaha. It's a good movie!
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