Jogging, swimming, basketball, soccer,
You read that right. Rock climbing.
Twig arms like mine also can go rock climbing. So... Johnson, there's hope for you yet.
Of course, I didn't try climbing a full-scale vertical cliff la. That would be inviting death! And from the performance of the rock climbing session, I would probably be dead at least six times over.

It was an indoor rock climbing facility instead.
The walls were converted into 'rock cliffs'. Colored handholds were fixed to the walls for use in climbing. The aim is to scale a wall using only handholds of the same color. This creates multiple routes to scale the walls, each one with its own difficulty number (the higher the number, the more difficult the route).
I'll admit this: rock climbing isn't easy! It takes quite a lot of strength and flexibility to scale some of the walls. Some of the handholds are sooo small that I had to hang on by just a few fingers.
Mark and I managed to do a Level 15 (or was it 16?) wall. And barely made it up the first few feet of a Level 17 one. Hahaha..
Then Vee, the most experienced climber among us, tackled the wall. And he went up just like that *snap*.
You could almost hear the sssssshhhh sound of ego deflating.
For $15 entrance fee + $3 equipment fee, we get to stay in the facility as long as we like and climb as many times as we like. But after two hours or so, none of us can climb anymore. My fingers were twitching, forearms trembling and I couldn't clench my fist! Also must remember that I didn't do any warm-up stretches! Rasa terer la konon =P
And so we went to the bouldering section and camwhored instead. Excuse the less-than-mediocre quality of the photos. My camera doesn't work that well in low-light conditions.
Side Order: Happy Belated Birthday Soon Eng!
Banyaknya poser..
If you happens to have a second visit, I want to see the whole wall..
hey... in my case if i go climb aar, my arms and legs wong be able to support my weight la.. but do you find youself too short too reach the next hanger to grab on ka?
Never realized that I don't have a photo of the whole wall. Well, I think it's just slightly higher than a double-storey house lar..
HAHA VERY FUNNY. But actually ya. Sometimes got that difficulty =P
wah... so nice... showin off muscle oh... eh... ur hair is getting longer eh... =P
To show off muscles, one needs muscles to begin with. Which I am lacking. Yeah, hair getting long. It's been three months!
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