I was!
Our house was probably the only participating one in the whole neighbourhood. But we had to 'cheat' a bit. Not everything was switched off! The rice was cooking so we left the rice cooker on. Ehe~

Ended up spending the hour in the living room, chatting with my housemates in the dark.
The actual effect of Earth Hour has been heavily questioned throughout the Net, and many has labeled it as nothing more than a sort of publicity stunt. Many raised doubts regarding the impact of switching off lights for just one hour. Actually, if you think about it, Earth Hour will last 24 hours, as different time zones will arrive at 8.30pm at different times.

Their doubts have their merits, but I don't understand why they have to be so negative about it. I mean, it's not like they have to PAY to switch off their lights or whatever. Why do they need to shoot down a noble attempt at spreading global awareness? I believe that this Earth Hour thing's main aim was more towards spreading awareness than to have any actual impact on the bleak prospect of energy shortage. And I believe that if the world can really be realized to this fact, the long-term impact is bigger than any other solution science can come up with.
If nothing else, Earth Hour has achieved this for me: it has provided a time when we can really get together and talk. Usually, we're all too busy on our own laptops to have any extended conversation with each other. A sad fact, but such is the price of the technology that surrounds us today. Just ask Cedric or Sam about what usually happens during UGS gatherings. Only in that hour, when all the gadgets and technological 'distractions' were taken away, did we really connect with each other.
So. Earth Hour.
What did it do for you?
partially.. haha.. grandma here so switch off some nia... only 1st floor and de back of the house. The neighbour behind my house switch everything ah! a bit malu since i am not practising it..
I actually missed it. HAHAHA!!
I totally agree with your views!
Haha. Well, the intent was there. And knowing the complicated nature of your household, I won't hold anything against you.
Knowing you, you're probably on your games all night anyway. Or maybe already insaf a bit? And was doing homework instead.
I agree with my views too =P But if you read the other posts out there, they have totally credible points that steamroll all over my views.
Hahaha.. lol.. "wont hold anything against me" ... haha..sound so serious.. haha.. =P
did u cook rice with fire?
and 8.30 is so dark already meh... i thought it's still daylight savings??
It's not as serious as it sounds! Haha.
Daylight savings was still on at that time, but yes. It was already dark! We cheated a bit. And left the rice cooker on too =P
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