Monday, September 29, 2008


Side Order: Six assignments in my to-do list. None of them barely started. First deadline in three weeks. It's going to be an interesting time from now on. Ooh enthusiasm.


Tracy said...

Cheer up! And all the best! That is a lot of work, I can tell.

saykhia said...

Cheery. Yeah, the workload will be terrible in the coming weeks. But the real horror is that... I find myself in no mood to work on them! I am scared that Penyakit Last Minute will strike and won't let go ba.

Ah_Mike said... indeed! Good luck with the workload!

Aquavires said...

Penyakit Last Minute is a common heriditary genetic disorder. All ethnic groups from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America are at risk.

All the best! (I presume that there has been some progress over the past 3 weeks?)

P.S. That is one awesome screenshot. Haha. Is that electronic Risk???

saykhia said...

Ah Mike,
Hehe. I heard that you're very much a Risk player yourself.

Yeah, there has been progress. The only problem is that the number of assignments has ballooned to FIFTEEN. And yes, that's electronic Risk. Risk II, actually.

Eric said...

Seems like no one took notice of the player who's owning the game.

saykhia said...

Haha. I noticed =P