Wednesday, September 17, 2008

For The Sake Of An Update

I have not logged in here for ages. And it seems that if I were to abandon it any longer, my legions of fans will burst their voice boxes clamoring for an update. And not long after that, people will start dying from lack of updates about THE Aldrin, or simply turn cannibalistic from waiting for the new post that never comes.


See what happens when the new semester sets in? The stress from studying gnaws away at that line that divides the sane from the insane.

Truth be told, there is only one reason why I abandoned my blog for such a long time.

I was testing to see how badly my fans NEED me. I was busy. Really busy.

The current semester has been crazy so far. I am taking four subjects: Geomechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Design of Concrete Structures and Urban Water Resources. You may even notice that all four are technical studies. So excuse me a little if the updates are few and far apart this time around!

Oh, and have I mentioned how much badminton I am playing these days? I average at four times a week. I'm gonna break one of my limbs someday, I'm sure of it!


Anonymous said...

Haha! yeah yeah keep up the spirit

Yong Tiong Yieng said...

haha long didnt have new comment...ahha

saykhia said...

Need to rehat few weeks for assignments' sake!

Tiong Yieng,
Yalor. What to do.. Nobody visits dead blogs. Haha.