Some of the graffiti here has ingenuity behind them!
Of course, this doesn't apply to all. If you look at them in general, things aren't too different. The mentions of your (or your mother's) private parts are ever present, accompanied by "self-advertising" - names accompanied by time and places to meet, supposedly for "recreation" purposes.
And then there are the DRAWINGS. Expect hand-drawn pornography and even drawings attempting to describe the shit that they just flushed down the hole.
Seriously, why the need to share with the world the look of your shit? If your shit of the day is purple in color, by all means, spread the news. If the stuff you leave in the hole looks like alphabet soup, go ahead and scrawl a whole paragraph describing it on them toilet walls. If a brown version of the Statue of Liberty came out of your crack, PLEASE! Take a picture!
But if you shit the exact same-o same-o like everybody else, dude, nobody gives a shit (pun intended) what your shit looks like.
And then there are the "social activity" graffiti. What's a better word to describe this kind of graffiti? They would draw a box and then write something that goes like, "Stick your boogie (tahi hidung) in the box above." The sad thing is that people actually FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS.
And what's worse? The boogies change everyday!
Side Order: I'm back on the Internet! Oh and Happy Belated Birthday, Samantha Si! Can go get your Road Rage Licence burnoutburnoutburnout liao! I mean... Driving Licence.
Are all those graffiti in Perth??
The thing I noticed is that graffiti seems to be a bigger problem here (compared to back home) and you can find loads of them on walls in alleys, buildings and even walls of some houses on the side of main roads.
Very inconsiderate and selfish of those people to conteng2 on public property. So sad. =(
owh no...! this is bad... and ya... luckily i didn't read this during or after my dinner if not.... =.="
Yup. They're all Perth graffiti. I guess it's not such a big problem here compared to Melbourne? Graffiti is not so widespread here (although it's still happen). 90% of the graffiti in Perth is located in the toilets.
HAHAHA. It's not THAT bad. And why so shy about your identity?
lolz... i anakmuridpro ba... no blog so kena low profile a bit lo... xD
No need malu malu la. In a few months people will know your true identity anyway!
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