Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Clearing Debts

First order of the day: pay off my greeting debts.

1. All the best for your exams!
2. Happy end of exams!
3. Happy holidays!
4. Merry Christmas!
5. Happy New Year 2009!

And of course...

Happy Chinese New Year!

I have not blogged since *scrolls down to check* 31 October! Wonderful. There was laziness, there was industrial training and there was more laziness. Very plausible reasons, no? All of you have been through these penyakits* before, don't deny it!

It'll be a bit too long for me to summarize what has happened in the eternity of my absence. So I will leave that for another post
that will probably never appear.

It's Chinese New Year! What have you done so far?

I gave my car a thorough cleaning! After many months of neglecting its well-being, I finally gave it its long awaited cleaning. The exterior has been cleaned and waxed, rims polished and the interior vacuumed and buffed. It was hard work, but it was well worth it.

Check out my baby now.

This is a joke for those who know what car I drive. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Too bad I will only be driving it for another week or so. =(

The first day does not bear many stories to tell. As usual, it was a day reserved for visiting family friends and relatives. However, this year we only visited five houses. Very
suntuk* lar.

In the evening, we went to Shirley's open house. She sent out a special invitation by SMS
(da-da-dum!) so there was no way we could have rejected her. What with her cute hair and our kind hearts and all. And so we went over, filled our tummies with food - including the most delicious cheese cakes I've ever tasted - and got sugar high over too much soft drinks. This would be the second time I get a sugar rush.

So ends the first day. What holds for me in the second day? I will be out visiting with some friends. I heard that there will be like... 13 houses. o.O

Anyway, I guess I better end this post here. You may have noticed that the dryness is setting in. That's not dryness, I tell you.


*Oh Rojak!

1. penyakits
n. afflictions; diseases; plural form for penyakit.
2. suntuk
adj. lacking; inadequate; local lingo for describing a poor state. That company so ~ that they do not even have their own printing paper.

Side Order: Do you realize that it's next Thursday? Kinda too fast, isn't it? After that I'm gonna have to give up all things Kuching for almost a year. I love Kuching.


Eli James said...

Oh, we'll miss you too, Drin. =(

Eric said...

Aldrin bo liao.. T.T

bo liao means no more, not no feed..

MisC^2 said...

Hey, one year's not so bad! =P

Btw, I forgot to ask you: is there anyone else you know in Perth besides Sze Howe and his family?? =D

saykhia said...

Yeah. No more scandalous SMS stories that makes you fall down when read. Hahaha.

And hopefully you'll make your way here to this part of the world too.

Yes I do. Other than Sze Howe, there's Poh Sim. I think I've mentioned her before, if you can recall. She's a friend I met from Drama Competition back in 2004.

I heard that Dominic is in Perth also. Remember Dominic? The BB guy.

Other than that, I have one or two other acquaintances here lar. Yeah, in good company =)