A little more than two and a half years ago, I was sixteen, student, fifth-former and thought little of the years to come. Back then, there weren't many things that can make a big impact in our lives. There was SPM and there were life's little problems, but the 'us' - friends, bruthas from anotha' mutha', whatever you wanna call it - was there so everything was good.
Ravin, Simon, Alvin, Hershel, Raymond, Sze Howe I still listed your name here although you betrayed us by moving Down Under 'cos I am a kind and forgiving soul - they were the closest. Of course, there were others: Ian, Aaron, Carlson, Anthony, Jonathan, etc. etc. These are the people with whom I have gone through thick and thin with. The club meetings, camps, spot checks, machine gun sessions in class (by teachers), break-ins into the library only once actually and homework 'downloading' sessions early in the mornings. We've really gone through them all together.
Two and a half years ago, we were all together. And all was good.
But after SPM, everyone went their separate ways. Nothing to be done there. Life's like that! And now we're scattered all over. Ravin's going KL very soon. Simon and Anthony are doing Medicine in UM. Alvin's in UTM, Johor. Sze Howe has ran off to Perth and is possibly living the kangaroos right now. Aaron is on JPA scholarship and will be leaving for Europe soon. Hershel and Raymond and I are the few left in Kuching. Even I am most probably going overseas next year.
And so the cycle will repeat itself again. After SPM, I entered Swinburne. Didn't get any scholarships =( There, I have made close friends, too. And, come next year, I will probably have to say my goodbyes again.
After we part, will we all be able to meet again? We may promise ourselves that yes, we will certainly make time for each other once again but life isn't all that simple. From here onwards, we will go down our own paths, make choices, set commitments and the like. In the future, life will not be as carefree as it was. There will be careers, personal lives, families to juggle.
No. No longer will there be days when we can hang out all-day long, movie after movie in the cinema. And perhaps it won't be so easy to go Chinese New Year visiting in a group in few years time. And maybe soon I won't be able to easily confirm my attendance at the New Year's Eve party. Not even the Playstation 2 can do anything about it!
But the times won't ever be forgotten.
This post goes out to all my friends. Past, present and future. Life will be so much more of a drag if it weren't for you guys!
Side Order: I'm happy with my results! =) Oh and I will be leaving on a trip tomorrow morning. Will be back Saturday!
Another trip again? Lucky you. Where to this time around?
Are you trying too hard to be emo? =p
Aww.. Such a sweet post. (^.^)
This is a very melancholic post.
I suppose it's something all of us feel - I for one won't need to blog this out anymore. You've captured an emotion well.
God bless, Drin.
I'm bacK! It was a trip to Phuket, and then to KL. I will blog about it.. someday. (My post about my trip to Miri is still drafted, btw =P)
Hah. At least I have feelings. And the guts to write them down? Hahaha. So is this considered emo? Maybe it is. You can be my judge, I won't mind.
Thanks. As Eric pointed out, 'emo' might have been a more appropriate description, though. Hahaha.
... It just crossed my mind that it's about that time of life for you, isn't it? As STPM draws near, so does the time of parting. Well, life goes on. God bless to you too =)
Amboi...the emo-ness reminds me of my time after SPM...
Hehe. And if there were blogs back then there's probably a post like this in your blog too. Hahaha.
Hahaha...well, there were blogs back in the end of 2001, but it was never happening till like 2003 onwards? Anyway, always good to be emo haha
I didn't know blogs exist back in 2001. I started blogging (it was called 'journal' back then) in 2004. And even at that time it wasn't the 'in' thing. Haha.
1. My goodness, I can't believe I haven't been to this blog in so long! (Well... I haven't been to mine either, hehe)
2. I shall forgive you for victimizing me. Again. For a flight which I was strongly opposed to.
3. I think it is a kick-in-the-teeth that we all eventually experience. Everywhere I look, I see people who (have) go(ne) through the same process: Denial, emo-ness, then acceptance. From Kuching people, Penang people, KL people, Perth people.
But hey, it's really up to us all to do something about it. =) You're right, it definitely won't be the same, but we can still make plans -- different ones from those we're used to -- rather than wallowing in self-pity.
Haha, now I'm beginning to understand why our elders keep telling us that our teenage/uni years are the best, and that we should make the most out of them. =P
Yeah. Things will definitely be different. And 'doing something about it' won't be so easily accomplished next time around! =)
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