Saturday, December 29, 2007

Holiday Frenzy

I'm currently enjoying my semester break. The holiday switch was turned on a month or so ago and will only revert back to 'study mode' after Chinese New Year 2008. So that gives me, what, three months of holiday?

I must say, three months is a long time.

The rinse-and-repeat cycle of sleep eat sleep eat will surely get on my nerves after a while. So what is there for one to do during three months? Now, before you start on that four letter word that begins with 'W' and rhymes with 'perk', I've already ruled that out. No, no W*** for me this holidays!

So far, I've gone to badminton sessions, PS2 sessions, movies and the occasional gathering. However, the one place we like to visit the most is...

The Cyber Cafe.

Any gamer will agree with me: gaming at home is a totally different experience from gaming in Cybers. For all the AI improvements made over the years, the human player is still irreplaceable in terms of adaptiveness and sheer unpredictability.

Harbinger of death (in games!)

However, there is another thing that gamers all over will agree: playing in Cybers ain't cheap! A few hours in the Cyber (which feels like a few minutes) usually leaves one cut back by several bucks! That's one or two meals' worth of money.

And then the PC Fair came along. There, a few of us game kakis agreed to chip in some money to buy this:

A LAN hub! For the uninitiated, a LAN hub allows several computers to be linked together for games or any other network activities. This means that we no longer need to go to the Cybers for our daily headshot cravings! Yay!

Just the other day, Keith, Soon Eng and I had a slumber party at Keith's house.

Boys' style.

No nails polishing, no gossip-giggle sessions or whatever it is girls do during slumber parties. Just frags, gay jokes, frags and more frags!

Gamed till 4am. Would have gone on till later in the morning if it had not been for the fact that Soon Eng had to leave early!


I foresee many more of these sessions in the near future ;)

Side Order: On the topic of games, I am sorta happy that I am finally on par with Sam in terms of Naruto! I still remember that the first time I played Naruto with her (2004!), she totally massacred me. Banyak berterima kasih to sifus Jason, Lin Shen, Eric, Keith and the others ;)


Eric said...

*poof* It's not that I want to disown you, but, I'm not your sifu. We're students of your other sifus. =D *poof*

saykhia said...

FINE. My senior fellow student then.

Eli James said...

Sam, I believe, will give you a thousand years of pain once she reads the last paragraph.

Coz, you know, she's sam and all. Kiasu.

Have a great holiday, drin!

~Laura~ said...

aiyer.. say girl until dat.. aiks aiks.. Nways, happy new year!! =)

Sam said...

Very FUNNY cedric. I've relented to the fact Aldrin and Eric are no longer noobs at Naruto but people who can give a full course on Naruto 101.

They talk about it like they're studying Naruto no Engineering!
And btw, Aldrin, I'm PRETTY sure it was 2005.


Ezekiel said...

Hey, nice post you've got there. I want another slumber party!

saykhia said...

... I think my butt still wants to keep its precious virginity, thank you very much. But you better watch out. You might be the one on the receiving end now that she's read this! Haha!

Happy New Year! Haha. I don't know what you people do during slumber parties ma. So I just make an educated guess lar =P

Go ahead and thousand years of pain him ;) And I am pretty sure it's 2004. I checked the journal!

Maybe you guys can camp at my house for few days or something. My couz's going KL for a few days and I will be alone there ;)

MAMAMIA said...

what sifu lah. u guys play the game so seriously. its just a game designed for fun. must play like this must play like that. so and so until its not even fun anymore. beats the purpose. everyone shud have their own way to play ma. why have to compare here and there. "so far more difference from how lin shen play". geez man gimme a break. so serious mer. no man gets out of life anyway. no wonder life's so tense. live breath and enjoy! dont look so serious as if ur a serial killer! girls are afriad of that.


saykhia said...

It IS fun. C'mon. It's not like we're killing people over it. We still do see it as a game!

Eric said...

Well, I still don't see two person with similar playing styles. Because it's pretty obvious how each of us manoeuvre throughout the game, spamming etc.

All I see is a lot of failing attempts on copying each other's moves. =D

saykhia said...

There aren't supposed to be any similar playing styles. Sometimes I don't understand the point you're trying to make lar~

Aquavires said...

4am...? I'm starting to see a pattern. =P

saykhia said...

No pattern there. Haha! LAN Party Round 2 went on till around 1pm the following day =P Of course, got short breaks in between lar.